Young adults
School Leavers to 30s

Speaker - Rev Dr Michael Jensen
Michael Jensen is the Rector of St Mark’s Anglican Church, Darling Point, in Sydney. He previously taught theology and church history at Moore College for 10 years, and completed his doctorate at Oxford University, which was published as Martyrdom and Identity: The Self on Trial. He has published a number of other books, including Reformation Anglican Worship, and My God, My God – Is it possible to believe anymore? He podcasts with Megan Powell du Toit at With All Due Respect. He maintains his interest in literary fiction, Eastern European history and culture, and J.S. Bach. Michael is married to Catherine and they have four children.
How do we live as Young Adults in the 21st century? These speakers will help unpack specifically what it can look like for us to live glorifying God.

The Old Testament is long, confusing, has weird names and is written so long ago in a context so different to ours. How do we make sense of it? We are called to read our Bibles but what. In this workshop, we will look at how to make sense of the Old Testament for ourselves and discover the treasure that God has given us, without having to google answers

In a world that is politically divided and where Christianity’s views are often not appreciated, how do we think about moral and political issues? How do we use the bible and our brains to engage when the easy thing to do seems to be staying silent or agreeing?

In our isolated world, it’s easy to have lots of connections and acquaintances but what about real friends? How can we and should we approach friendship? What some biblical principles we can apply from the bible and what practical ways can we go about having deeper friendships shaped by the gospel.

Ghandi famously said ‘I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.’ In an age where we are constantly told that everything is about ME, committing to a local church can seem so yesterday. Why not give up on that old pastor, and those going nowhere people, and head along to the church where there are heaps of young ads, the pastor wears skinny jeans, and there are fire sermons (every week!)? During this workshop we will explore why committing to your local church is gloriously exciting, it is the hope of the world, and will multiply your joy. Not to mention…it is expected by the Lord Jesus!

Like me, you feel that you should share Jesus with your friends, but you also feel like you’re not very good at it. This workshop will give you a simple and effective way to share your faith with your friends, while also working through those feelings of “not being good enough”.

Spend more? Save more? Give more? How do we navigate giving the money narrative in this modern age? During this workshop we will look a four mini money habits to help you spend, save, serve and invest like a disciple